[행사/세미나] 11/23 실감미디어공학과 세미나 <Neuro-Cognitive Modeling of Environments, and Humans>
- 실감미디어공학과
- 조회수700
- 2023-11-20
실감미디어공학과 사무실입니다.
실감미디어공학과 세미나가 아래와 같이 개최되오니 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
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▶세미나 접속 ZOOM 링크: 실감미디어공학과 세미나
회의 ID: 591 389 1581
암호: 908353
Colloquium on Immersive Media Engineering
Nov. 23, 2023(Thu.) 10:30am –11:30am
International Hall, Room 9B312
Sejong Yoon (The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) / Associate Professor)
Understanding human navigation has been an important research topic for a long time. Researchers in the subfields of computing, such as computer graphics and computer vision, as well as those outside of computing, such as cognitive science, civil engineering, and robotics, are actively investigating the problem. It has a wide range of applications, including architectural design, urban planning, transportation engineering, crowd management, socially compliant robot navigation, pandemic response, and entertainment. This talk will introduce a selected recent (2020-2023) works of the project team.
Sejong Yoon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The College of New Jersey. His research goal is to fill in the gap between individual human decision-making process and the group-level behavior, which is typically based on distributed or decentralized individual decisions. Over the span of 15 years, he has authored or co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in different areas of artificial intelligence to accomplish the research agenda. Before joining TCNJ in 2016, he earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Rutgers University. He also conducted research in biomedical informatics for his Master’s degree at Sogang University. He worked at various places in both industry and government sectors, including Siemens, LG CNS, and the Federal Government of Ethiopia.
Upcoming Seminar:
XR technology in Healthcare; Possibility and limitations정용기 (삼성서울병원 이비인후과 / 교수)