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  • 교수 데이터사이언스, 소셜네트워크
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    Lab 데이터사이언스사회분석연구실


Data Science, Social/Semantic Network Analysis, Social Media


  • (Ph.D.) 뉴욕주립대 커뮤니케이션 박사.


  • 대한민국 공군장교(인터넷을 이용한 공보담당)
  • 미국 하와이대 교수(2007-2012)
  • DGIST 교수(2013-2014)
  • 성균관대 교수 & 전 인터랙션사이언스학과장
  • 현 BK21 4단계 사업단장// 인간AI인터랙션융합전공 학과장(대학원)// 글로벌융합학부장

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Decoding Bitcoin: leveraging macro-and micro-factors in time series analysis for price prediction.  PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE.  10,  e2314
  • (2024)  Do you have AI dependency? The roles of academic self-efficacy, academic stress, and performance expectations on problematic AI usage behavior.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION.  21,  34
  • (2024)  Beyond learning with cold machine: interpersonal communication skills as anthropomorphic cue of AI instructor.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION.  21,  27
  • (2024)  Analyzing behavioral intentions toward Generative Artificial Intelligence: the case of ChatGPT.  UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY.  1,  11
  • (2024)  Investigating the knowledge structure of research on massively multiplayer online role-playing games: A bibliometric analysis.  Data and Information Management.  8,  1
  • (2023)  Teammate Familiarity in Distributed Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: The Mediating Role of Social Presence.  INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTRIBUTED LEARNING.  24,  4
  • (2023)  Comparing Social Media and News Articles on Climate Change: Different Viewpoints Revealed.  KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS.  17,  11
  • (2023)  Unveiling Cryptocurrency Conversations: Insights From Data Mining and Unsupervised Learning Across Multiple Platforms.  IEEE ACCESS.  11,  1
  • (2023)  Beyond Avatar Coolness: Exploring the Effects of Avatar Attributes on Continuance Intention to Play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION. 
  • (2023)  Impact of ByteDance crisis communication strategies on different social media users.  HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS.  10,  729
  • (2023)  Robust Sentiment Classification of Metaverse Services Using a Pre-trained Language Model with Soft Voting.  KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS.  17,  9
  • (2023)  Exploring the association between the Proteus effect and intention to play massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs).  INTERNET RESEARCH.  34,  1
  • (2023)  ESG Discourse Analysis Through BERTopic: Comparing News Articles and Academic Papers.  CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA.  75,  3
  • (2023)  Effect of chatbot-assisted language learning: A meta-analysis.  EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES.  28,  11
  • (2023)  The effects of popularity metrics in news comments on the formation of public opinion: Evidence from an internet portal site.  SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL.  60,  2
  • (2023)  I know my teammates: the role of Group Member Familiarity in Computer-Supported and face-to-face collaborative learning.  EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES.  28,  10
  • (2023)  Predicting Bitcoin Trends Through Machine Learning Using Sentiment Analysis with Technical Indicators.  COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.  46,  2
  • (2022)  A Structural Topic Model for Exploring User Satisfaction with Mobile Payments.  CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA.  73,  2
  • (2022)  Predicting User Satisfaction of Mobile Healthcare Services Using Machine Learning: Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic.  JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING.  34,  6
  • (2022)  Examining Crisis Communication Using Semantic Network and Sentiment Analysis: A Case Study on NetEase Games.  FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY.  13, 


  • (2023)  문과생을 위한 인공지능 입문 (Fundamentals in Artificial Intelligence for Everyone).  에이콘.  주저자
  • (2019)  AI기반 융합교육: 현재와 미래.  성균관대출판부.  주저자
  • (2019)  데이터기반 디지털 사회과학: 교육과 연구사례.  성균관대출판부.  주저자
  • (2019)  디지털PR 이론과 실제.  한울아카데미.  공동
  • (2016)  커뮤니케이션학의 확장 - 경계에서 미디어 읽기.  나남.  공동


  • 세계인터넷전문가협회(Association of Internet Researchers) 선출직 이사
  • 한국인터넷정보학회


  • (2021)  A Comparative Analysis of Attention to FacialRecognition Payment Between China and SouthKorea: A News Analysis Using Latent DirichletAllocation.  International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.  미국
  • (2021)  The Impact of Ethical Issues on Public Understanding of Artificial Intelligence.  International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.  미국
  • (2021)  A Cluster Analysis of Lotte Young Plaza Using Semantic Network Analysis Method.  International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication.  대한민국
  • (2020)  From What People Say to What City Governments Do: A Data Science Approach to Voice of Citizens in Seoul.  Asia Pacific International Conference on Information Science & Technology.  대한민국
  • (2020)  4차산업혁명 시대 오픈이노베이션 네트워크 분석.  한국인터넷정보학회 춘계학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2020)  의미 연결망 분석을 통한 국내외 의료인공지능 연구동향 분석.  한국인터넷정보학회 춘계학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2019)  Seoul through the lens of big data: What people think.  Asia Association of Learning Innovation, and Co-evolution Studies.  대한민국
  • (2019)  “Your Voices Have Been Heard”: Moving Toward Smart City by Innovating the Way of Processing Civil Complaints.  ASIALICS(Asia Association of Learning Innovation, and Co-evolution Studies).  대한민국
  • (2019)  How depressive disorder patients perceive and treat the depression: Semantic network analysis of patients-centered data.  XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference.  캐나다
  • (2019)  How online platform influences on people's reviews: A case study of and  XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference.  캐나다
  • (2019)  A Social and Semantic Network Analysis of Future: Comparing Korean and Western Perception of Future.  XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference.  캐나다
  • (2019)  A Semantic and Social Structure of Platform Business.  Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science .  대한민국
  • (2018)  가상 비서와 스마트 스피커에 대한 인식과 기대: 의미 연결망 분석과 감성분석을 중심으로.  한국정보통신학회 추계종합학술대회 proceeding.  대한민국
  • (2018)  의미연결망 분석을 활용한 영화리뷰 시각화.  한국정보통신학회 추계종합학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Are voice assistants coming to us now?: Semantic network analysis and sentiment analysis of user perception.  International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.  네덜란드
  • (2018)  In the era of chatbot, voice assistant, and AI speakers: Analyzing human-machine conversation with semantic networks.  International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.  네덜란드
  • (2018)  A semantic network analysis and topic modeling of movie reviews: Focusing on Korean movie Market.  International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.  네덜란드
  • (2018)  Examining Risk Communication of Samsung by Analysing Customer Reaction on Social Media : From Galaxy Note 7 Explosion to Galaxy S8 Relase.  Computer Science and Information Technology (8th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications).  오스트레일리아
  • (2017)  한국데이터사이언스학회 초청세션 좌장.  한국복잡계학회 초청세션 좌장.  대한민국
  • (2017)  2017 가을 한국아시아혁신학회 세미나.  2017 가을 한국아시아혁신학회 세미나.  대한민국